Daily Archives: October 4, 2022

Day Twenty — تمداخت

A full day in Tamedaght (or, reading right to left in Darija, t-m-d-a-gh-t). After yesterday’s haze, we awoke to glorious sunshine and blue sky. The early morning sun on the surrounding hills was seductive.

After breakfast on the terrace, the painters, under Ev’s guidance, went to work, while the others went for a 6 km hike.

A view of Kasbah Ellouze from the other side.

More painting in the afternoon in the shady laneway (temperature was hovering around 30).

And swimming.

In the late afternoon, we had a real treat. A short walk from the Kasbah is the home and studio of an up and coming Moroccan artist, Aïssa Joud (www.aissajoud.com), who grew up just a few kilometres away and now is about to have his first international exhibition in Brussels in November.

He is also a musician and his father is a sculptor plus he has friends who do incredible things with wood. As a result, his house is absolutely amazing and I apologise for not having effectively captured it on my trusty iPhone.

Out on the deck, with breath-taking views to the mountains, he has created a space for dance parties for his band Folk Spirit.

Here is Aïssa and some of our gobsmacked art tour group.

And some of his work in his upstairs gallery:

More of his amazing work, and his personal story, are on his website.

And so, sadly, we must end our time with Colette and Michel at Kasbah Ellouze. Well, not quite. We do have a delicious breakfast on the terrace to come before departure tomorrow morning.

Bonne nuit.