Day Eight: Otaru

Fishing boats today.  Just a short ride away from the Neu Schloss Hotel is the fishing headquarters for Otaru at a little suburb called Takashima.  An overcast day with a chilly wind (Siberia is not that far away), but a perfect painting location with plenty of shelter.

The boats had already been unloaded by the time we arrived, although mid-morning one vessel arrived with the world’s largest octopus, which did not want to be moved.  That provided some entertainment for the artists but unfortunately, I was off wandering in search of a coffee (no luck) so missed the photo op.  Pam however got the shot of this evening’s sashimi being retrieved:

There were lots of birds.  Lots and lots of sea gulls.  Reminded me of Essaouira (Morocco), where we will be painting later this year on our next artists tour.

Even John (a designated non-painter) was inspired today to take up his crayons:

While the more serious artists (sorry, John) were busy with their works of art (also see below):

After lunch, those that were willing to brave a bracing wind stayed on to paint around the shrines and old herring houses along the Shukutsu waterfront.

Before drinks time in the quirky bar of our hotel*, there was a chance to review the day’s efforts in the hotel lobby:

Then dinner.  *: Quirky hotel explained:  a German name and definitely Teutonic architecture, a bar that would have been in its prime during the Weimar Republic, but all set in a remote area of Hokkaidō, Japan, where the food served was French and simply superb, and, just to add to the eclecticism, was washed down with a fine Dão red from Portugal.

Sapporo tomorrow.

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